Municipalities aren’t the only clients that have a need for water storage – many companies require water storage for fire protection and production. From agriculture to manufacturing, KLM has worked with a variety of trades and industries to provide water storage solutions.
Concrete, ground storage and elevated water tanks all need inspections to meet state and federal requirements.
We will work with you to create a unique water storage solution for your business’s needs while following industry standards, as well as state and local regulations.
We offer the following services for industrial clients:
Our inspectors will evaluate your tank to determine the current coatings and structural conditions. After the evaluation, they pass their findings on to our engineers, who prepare a detailed evaluation report. KLM offers the following options for evaluations: ROV, dry tank, drone, float down, and dive inspections.
Inspection Services
KLM provides inspection services for a variety of projects, including reconditioning, new construction, and repairs. Our experienced team observes the work done to ensure it is performed according to the specifications.
Engineering Services & Specifications
If you are planning on building a new tank, reconditioning your current one, or require structural repairs, KLM provides engineering services to create specifications that accommodate your needs while meeting regulations and standards.
In addition to writing the specifications, KLM offers reconditioning inspection services to confirm proper surface preparation and application of coating systems.
Following the project, KLM offers warranty evaluations as an additional safeguard to ensure quality of work and catch potential coating failures early.
KLM offers mixers to help mitigate the risk of biofilm an dice forming in tanks, as well as improve overall water quality by reducing the need of additional chemicals by continuously recirculating the water.
From spot repairs to overcoats to drain valves, KLM has you covered with comprehensive maintenance plans or the occasional repair.
For those interested in monetizing their water tower with antennas, KLM offers telecom management and inspection services.
When your tank needs to be cleaned, KLM offers dry tank cleanouts for the interior and exterior cleanings. Our team cleans the tank while verifying the structural conditions, coating integrity, and providing documentation to the tank owner.
“As this was my first water tower project, I relied heavily on their expertise. KLM was able to guide me through the steps needed to complete the project as well as allowing me to utilize and work with some of my existing contractors. Some of these steps included how to work with the city to connect to the city water, working with the Department of Health and what is involved to bring the tower back on line.”
-Larence Harer (Danfoss)
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