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CDPHE: What It Means for Colorado Water Storage

CDPHE: What It Means for Colorado Water Storage

For water storage tanks in the state of Colorado, owners should be aware of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Storage Tank Rule (STR) that became effective in 2016. Essentially, this rule was put in place to promote healthier drinking water standards by regulating how often a water storage reservoir is inspected.

Here are answers to the most common questions surrounding the CDPHE STR:

Who is Affected by This Rule?

Any water suppliers with finished water storage reservoirs that provide water to the public are affected. This means any tank owners whose tanks supply water to the public water systems must have them inspected, per the CDPHE STR.

How Often Should a Tank Be Inspected?

The CDPHE STR states that a tank should have a comprehensive tank inspection every five years, and regular periodic inspections. So, if you had your tank inspected when the rule went into effect in 2016, you should have your tank inspected by the end of 2021. However, they may relax the rule slightly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Tanks must also have periodic inspections twice a year.

Have Inspection Requirements Changed?

Yes, the CDPHE added some requirements to the inspection checklists in order to improve the sanitary standards.

The primary reason for the CDPHE STR inspections is sanitation, but it also focuses on structural integrity, security and safety, coatings and cathodic protection systems, and documentation.

In order to properly complete the comprehensive and periodic inspections, the CDPHE put together a checklist to be completed by qualified personnel. There are many details included in these requirements. You can find them here on the CDPHE website, along with the complete comprehensive and periodic checklists and instructions.

What Should My Inspection Firm Provide?

The CDPHE requires that inspections are performed by a qualified person and the checklist must be completed in full, which means it is imperative that your inspection firm delivers the right people for the job. Your inspection firm should be working with you to provide a plan that satisfies the CDPHE STR guidelines. They should also provide qualified inspectors (preferably NACE-certified) to perform these regular evaluations to ensure they are done correctly.

For more information on CDPHE water storage guidelines, contact our Central Regional Office at 913-291-9076. KLM Engineering is committed to providing accurate information and solutions for your community’s water storage needs.