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KLM Engineering has extensive experience with antenna installations, performing work on over hundreds of towers across the country. We also specialize in reconditioning and/or design build projects with antennas; The intent is to reduce long term financial and maintenance burdens on the water tower by ensuring the installation best serves the primary purpose of the owner. Most, if not all, costs associated with telecommunications/ antennas are passed through expenses covered by escrows provided by the carriers.
Having an antenna installed on your water tower, whether it’s cellular phone, or wireless internet, can provide the owner extra income. When this is the case, KLM can help you! We can do:
Ideally, it is in the best interest of the owner to have an agreement reviewed prior to the signing of a lease to provide the highest level of benefits. KLM performs reviews of proposed lease agreements to ensure the presence of clauses that protect the property and the rights of the owner, particularly those contracts that involve future tower maintenance, equipment locations, work around antennas, and delineating responsibility for costs associated with future maintenance of the water tank.
At KLM Engineering, Inc., we help you with all aspects of your water tower, including antenna installation and construction management. We want to ensure the integrity of your water tower isn’t compromised in any way.
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